Sunday, January 15, 2012

Song of the Week (Jan 9th to Jan 15nd)

Hi y'all!! Sorry if I haven't posted since last week! Ah school and dating! Anyways, I'm pretty thrilled to have narrowed down my picks for this week's winner song. I will share with you my joy and anticipation with Amy Winehouse's latest discovery from her posthumous "Lioness: Hidden Treasures" compilation album: "Our Day Will Come". I believe this song's rhythm and vibe sounds festive and positive and could almost be appropriate for the Christmas holidays that just passed! I like to think of that song as a self-projection in the future and how we foresee it. This latest album from Amy Winehouse's discography is always playing in my car while I'm driving carefully to make sure I survive this winter where we're getting hit with snowstorms and ass-cold weather (-30)! Enjoy y'all!!!

Expedia Travel Box

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