Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Night at the Moulin Rouge

During our stay in the French capital, Jizz, Cherryka and I were willing to try everything French.
We stayed in Paris for five days and tried to make it to every major landmark or activity favoured and sought after by international tourists.
After roaming through the narrow and crowded streets of Paris, making our way to the top of the Eiffel Tower, eating macaroons at La Durée, strolling on Les Champs Élysées, visiting the exclusive Fashion boutiques and the Canadian Embassy on Avenue de Montaigne, trying to find Edith Piaff's grave at the Père LaChaise cemetery and walking under the Arc de Triomphe, we wanted to try something a little naughtier.
Even though we had made our way to the über gay district called Le Marais the night before and had had the lustiness to delight our eyes with shirtless cuties in a strip club, it wasn't enough for us. In fact, the Parisian gayborhood got nothing on Montreal's, New York's or San Francisco's; it's pretty tiny, mundane and inaccessible.We needed something sassy yet salty. That's when Cherryka got the très bonne idée to book tickets the Moulin Rouge.
Being almost broke and on the verge of being harrassed by Mastercard, we decided to opt for the cheapest option which did not include anything else than the show itself.
That is how we managed to get in Montmartre on time for the show to be held. As we were the youngest and cheapest guests, they sat us on the second floor in a corner near a speaker where we had to toss and turn in order to see the whole show and follow the dancers through their routine!
All three of us were stunned by the French tatas being shown a few meters from our faces and brightened by kilowatts of artificial light. All the songs sung by the songstresses and dancers were downright cheesy and tacky but very catchy which resulted in us singing them for days after the show. Another amazing asset of the show: their cut, lean and toned male dancers who all look gay and ready to bust a nut with one another! A great show not to miss if you plan on spending a few days in the French capital and want to be entertained!


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