Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Last Weekend Memorabilia

I've been courageous enough to go out all weekend long and still manage to study lol! I went out to a bar not too far from my place on Friday, accompanied by Marco, Jizz and her friend Merry. We had a great time and gossiped a lot about our lives, guys and... Mahmud lol! Remember him? He's my neighbour. Anyways, we didn't talk that much about him, but the fact that both Jizz & Merry know him, it's always tempting to gossip about him and whether talk about him positively or most lately, negatively. It occured that Mahmud told Jizz that he didn't understand why I had added him as a friend on Facebook three years ago and thought I was a stalker!

Not only did he think that, he wouldn't apologize for treating like shit and pissing me off! He even went on to tell Jizz that if she ever wanted to go out clubbing in the gay village, he wanted her to go with him, not with me!!! Can you believe your eyes while reading this?! I couldn't believe my ears when I heard that!!! Seems like Baklava is acting like a lil' princess and has a fairly small lunch in his lunch box (brain). Enough ink (or digital letters) wasted on Mahmud and enough saliva spent talking about him, he's dead in my book!

Okay so that was Friday. Saturday I worked, then I studied, then I went out to a dinner with friends since it was my Dutch vriend's birthday (Mevrouw Hoeven). We went to that very hype resto-bar called Koko which is actually the ground-level restaurant of the mucho trendy Opus Hotel located on at the corner of Sherbrooke street and St-Laurent (the heart of downtown). I loved the ambiance, the scenery and the music of that Resto bar! It was over the top and definitely fabulous!

The decoration is pretty much dramatic with black and white (whit hints of grey) for the setting’s colours, modern-looking dining chairs that are actually made out of hard plastic and combined with silver sofas, huge chandeliers and glittering lights. Pretty much two-third of the staff were young ladies who were all 5’10” or taller who wore high heels and looked like Fashion models. I like that vibe but at the same time it felt a bit cheesy and too much. But hey, I can’t really complain, I am cheesy and too much myself! During the whole dinner, we were sitting at a long table inside the resto and I was seated at the exterior extremity of it. I was surrounded by Mevrouw Hoeven and her bf, two girls from John Molson and an incredibly strange dude named Charles who was actually a friend of Mevrouw Hoeven’s. The guy was supposedly straight and was said to have a girlfriend but I can assure you that he wasn’t. Not only was girlfriend obviously gay and clumsy at hiding it, he seemed to have fallen in love with me after ten minutes lol! I won’t lie and tell you he wasn’t cute but to be honest with you, the whole situation was awkward and he didn’t seem comfortable to say the least so it felt like I shouldn’t try anything on him!

Priced fairly high, Koko’s menu was a bit disappointing considering the fact that it cost me more than $60 for a single dinner and that I wasn’t completely filled afterward (I’m a terrible pig). I have to say that I enjoyed the DJ’s mix and the drinks were delicious. I would definitively go back and recommend it to friends.

After I left Koko and my other friends, I was awaited at Jizz’s last party at her mom’s house. I was super eager to go there and have a blast with all of her friends and knew that it was gonna be a memorable nacht. Plus I was glad that Terrine agreed to come with me. I drank Heineken, Coors Light and Bud Lime all night (I’m slightly exaggerating here) until I was too tired and my clothes were smoked (we had a camp fire). I was nice enough (and not cheap this time) to bring along marshmallows, tortilla chips and salsa to enable everybody to stuff their faces with me. I spent most of the time chatting with Merry about everything from Accounting (that’s he major and career path of choice) to my lack of love life. I left the party at around 4 am.

The day after, I woke up at 9 am and felt like dying since I was too too tired, had a cold and smelled like smoked salmon. I hurried the fuck up to head to school and my protégé of a friend Mike and another girl from our Advertising class. We studied together and discussed the subjects required for our upcoming exam (I had it yesterday). Then I left school and headed directly under the Hut to work and finished at 11:30! I was so tired when I got home, I watched porn, ate and studied for like 30 minutes and went to bed.

Monday was national holiday so I stayed home and studied for Accounting and Advertising and was surprisingly well-focused until my mom arrived home from the airport (she went to Greece and Turkey with her sister and their cousin). Of course, I was hella excited to see my mom, hear her stories, see photos from their trip and drink rosé wine. That hurt my studying session a bit though! Then my friend Mike invited me to his place to study together. I arrived there at 8:30 pm. We went to Dairy Queen straight, ate ice cream then we bought Red Bull and were fit to study all night. We studied pretty much till 3 am and stopped when I told him I couldn’t take it anymore! He had asked me if I wanted to sleep at his place which I didn’t really want to but had brought some clothes along in case I didn’t want to go back home.

As we were about to go to bed, I asked him: “where will I sleep? In the guest room?”. And he kindly responded by saying I could sleep with him, in his bed. I didn’t know what to think as we’re solely friends since we met and nothing romantic or sexual ever happened between the two of us. I thought it would be like when Terrine and I sleep together, cuddle, mingle and when I spoon her (lol!!!). After I had laid down in his bed (he was lying next to me), he asked me: “aren’t you hot?”, I said no, I’m fine, I’ll keep my t-shirt. I don’t know what all of that meant but I was beginning to think he wanted us to make out or something. As he was almost naked (he was only covered by his underwear) and was asking me if I wanted to sleep shirtless, I thought that might be an proposition to more. Unfortunately, I was so exhausted and nervous about my exams that I only wanted to sleep and didn’t feel like doing anything. Nothing happened. Yesterday we woke up and spent the whole day together as casual friends. I don’t know what this meant. Maybe it didn’t mean anything and I’m the one freaking out?! Who knows. time will tell me...

Presentation of a Canadian Wonder: Tym Röders

I've been introduced to Mr. Röders like two or three years ago via Fugues, a Montreal-based Gay magazine that's mainly focused toward Gay Health, Nightlife, Gay cinema, current venues, shows, and well pretty much everything that relies to the Queer Community and what's in and out.

Aside from the Rocky mountains, Céline Dion, Shania Twain, Québec, British Columbia, the North pole, the maritimes, maple syrup and Jim Carrey, Canada has so much to offer and one of its most lately-discovered wonder is the following: Tym Röders.

You probably all know the old cliché "love at first sight", well I could almost use this to describe you how I felt when I first saw this sexy and incredibly good-looking BC native. What I like most about Tym Röders is that not only is he part of that 2% of the population that was gifted with more-than-handsome features and bodies, he is also involved in the Gay community, which is also his own community. As it's almost becoming a tradition to post an article presenting a model (male or female) each month, I decided that Tym Röders would be the one for May since he's fit for summer and summer's coming up fast and furious!

As you might already know, Mr. Röders is a sometime-model who's graced the covers of mainly Gay and Fitness Magazines. He's also modeled for the underwear campaign of Ginch Gonch. His resume is as diverse as his Fashion portfolio whereas he's worked as a makeup artist, an exotic dancer at Vancouver Gay nightclub Celebrities, a male model, a fitness trainer and probably plenty of other stuff. His modeling career took off pretty much after he won Mr. Priape International back in 2008. That contest was held by famed Montreal-based Gay company Priape who operate in every major city across Canada (which means 4 lol). 

As I knew some of you might be requesting some biological info well Mr. Röders was born in 1983 in Terrace, BC where he grew up along with his brother and his parents who are of English and Dutch descent. He lived there until he celebrated his 18th birthday and then moved to Vancouver to study at Blanche MacDonald Center which is a school for makeup. He trained there and then worked as a makeup artist for Holt Renfrew until someone spotted him and convinced him to give modeling a try. Which he did. He sent pictures of him to Ginch Gonch who immediately got interested and booked him for their 2007 underwear campaign. It's funny how he can be so straight-acting and sometimes über-effiminate!

Being 6'5" (1m95) and weighing 200 lbs, Röders is one hell of a striking hot baby boy who easily get spotted in a crowd lol! You can't really miss him I guess...! Endowed with green eyes, dark blond hair, a tight yet plump ass, ripped abs, long legs and a muscular yet lanky body, Tym Röders is ready to rock yo runway! Unfortunately for him (and for us!), he hasn't been successful at booking major campaigns and didn't succeed at being represented at international agencies in New York City. 

Now modeling part time, dancing at Celebrities on saturday nights and working as a full-time fitness trainer, Röders has an interesting and jet-set life! I will post PLENTY of pictures below along with a clip from Mr. Priape International 2008, the music video for "Postcard from Pasadena" in which Röders makes a cameo along with contact info in case you're living or traveling in the Vancouver area and would like to be trained by such a hot hunk! 

Agrandir le plan






--> Damn! Wouldn't we all kill to be so hot?!! Well don't kill, book an appointment with him:


Song of the Week (May 23rd to May 29th)

Faithful to the tradition, I'm posting my "song of the week" article three days late (it's always at least two days late)!!! I have a huge excuse this week as I had two Midterm exams on the same day (!) for Advertising and Financial Accounting that were worth 20% and 40% of the whole grade respectively! I had to pull my shit together to study for these exams and be ready. It was hard especially since the weather's getting better from day to day and I simply feel like going out, working out, bathing in the sun, chilling with friends, sleeping and well, pretty much doing anything but working or studying!

I celebrated the end of that stressful day yesterday by grabbing a beer at a nearby bar (Sports Station) with a couple of friends (who were almost all Asians), ate a huge Poutine with sausages and headed back home with my eyes barely open! This week's song is "Beautiful People" by no one else but Chris Brown... I know, you won't be proud of me for doing some publicity for a Wife beater but I really like the song. It's actually a duet between famous DJ Benny Benassi and Beat-Her-Down himself. I have to say that despite the fact that Le P'tit Criss beat the shit out of Rihanna, I still find him cute and attractive.

I don't think what he did was appropriate or forgivable but I think it's part of the past and maybe we should forget about it. I mean they had their own business going on and they went to court and stuff; let them mind their own business! Chris Brown is setting the record straight and coming back clean and sober (I hope so) so let's give him a chance! He's still got that contagious smile, cute yet sexy look and bod that makes you want to scream "come over here rude boy"!!! Lol did I really write that?! Yes, I did! I like the concept behind the song and the fact that it talks about traveling around the world (which I love to do and wish to do), meeting people from all countries, origins, speaking different languages and having different beliefs (religions) and that there are beautiful people everywhere that we can go.

That being said, it is extremely true that there are beautiful people everywhere, we just have to broaden our horizons, look around and open our minds. I also like that fact that the adjective "beautiful" would normally mean good-looking or sexy but that it can also mean generous, nice, interesting, peaceful, hard-working and admirable. Think of all these lovely elderly people willing to play cards with you and tell you their stories; they're everywhere, just like all the dynamic and excited kids around the world! The world is yours to discover (and mine as well). Well guess what, I'll discover it this summer (traveling in 10 countries) and this track has the potential to be my anthem! You go Chris Brown, enjoy guys! 

Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton?! Dangerous Liaison!

Lol this is so funny!!! I've found videos and posts pretty much everywhere on the web making assumptions that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama could canoodle together! I know these videos have been posted like two years ago but still, I guess it's worth seeing them! The "interview" that was taped on Comedy Time is quite well done, it really sounds like Hillary is answering the real questions that the Comedy Time interviewer is asking her! But the Mad Tv video parody using Rihanna's song "Umbrella" to depict the sexual tension between Clinton and Obama is just HILARIOUS!!! Check it out!

Chelsea Handler and My Extracurricular Readings

As you probably know, us University students have a shitload of readings and lectures to do for each one of our courses and sometimes, it gets tiring to try to memorize all of these theories, concepts and their examples! This is why oftentimes, we need some pizzazz in our lives! Most of us would just stop by the nearest bar and drink their lives (and wages), while some might want to have raunchy sex, watch a movie with a date, stuff his face like a pig, work out, work or simply read a very explicit and funny book. Well turns out that Rodzilla likes to do all of'em thangs and tries to manage his boredom as well as he can! 

To be honest with you, six months ago one would have questioned me about Chelsea Handler and I would've responded by gently saying: "sorry, I don't know who that is". But my dear friend Cherry was nice enough to talk to me about Ms. Handler and her ferocious yet endearing lifestyle and even lent me her book. It occured that that book was probably the funniest one that Handler ever wrote; it was My Horizontal Life. This collection of unfortunate one-night stands is definitely a "must" when it comes to funny readings! I used to be a huge fan of Janice Dickinson and loved reading her books but after reading all of them, I had nothing left to read and needed to find myself a new obnoxious author to make me laugh while waiting in line for the bus or actually, inside the bus to commute to school. Not only are these kinds of books funny and enjoyable to read through, they will also provide you with great exposure and attention since their hardcovers habitually showcase their dear authors in a scantily clad, subjective way.

My Horizontal Life was a hell of a refreshing reading for me as I read during my first semester (fall '10) and was really bored by the lectures I had to do for my classes (Economics, Computing, Management and Business Communication)! Trust me, despite being the easiest semester, it was by far the most boring one! I was glad to read stories that I could relate to and not feel like a total looser because most of my dates or one-night stands were awful or awkward! I now know that even millionaires, celebrities and good-looking people have had to deal with the same kind of issues!

A few weeks after I came back from Cuba, my friend Cherry told me she had bought another book from Chelsea Handler called Are You There Vodka? It's Me Chelsea and that she was willing to lend it to me. I have to say that despite the fact that its title is hilarious, "Are You There Vodka" was ein wenig disappointing since the tales she narrated in that book were much less funny and memorable than in "My Horizontal Life" and also, the fact that it was very randomly-written with Handler jumping from one subject to another. I wouldn't say it's an unpleasurable read or that it should be avoided; it's still über funny!

What you need to know about Chelsea is that she's a Jewish (I love'em Jews and I'm expecting to hook up with plenty of'em this summer lollz!) stand-up comedian turned tv host and was born in Livingston, New Jersey back in 1975. She is the youngest child of six siblings and grew up feeling like an "outsider" since her family was highly colorful and laughed at by neighbours because of her dad possessing ten cars that were always broken and in pitiful conditions.

The only thing that Handler seems to like about her family is the fact that they're so pathetic that she can make fun of'em and will never run out of anecdotes to tell in her books or shows! She also said that her best childhood memories were when the whole family would go to Martha's Vineyard, sit back and relax. At 19 years old, she moved to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career but started out doing all sorts of low-paid, bad jobs such as waiting tables at cheap restaurants (pretty much like me actually lol). Just before she turned 21, she was arrested by the police because she was DUI and was forced to serve some time in prison (!). When she got to prison, they informed her that she had to be there because not only did she driving while being intoxicated with alcohol, she was also being investigated for using a fake I.D. (that belonged to her Mormon sister Sloane) whose holder had complained.

After telling her story about DUI to other offenders who found her shortcoming funny, she reasoned that it would be a great idea to try her shot at stand-up comedy. She was instantly successful. She began to do stand-up shows across the whole Los Angeles area for years and that's how she met her best friend who's 6 feet tall and black with an ass the size of a medicine ball, Shoniqua. Chelsea Handler is usually extremely funny and witty and loves midgets! One thing that I find sad though, is that she likes to call her own father "Bitch Tits"!!! Can you believe it?! I certainly can't! I mean even if my father annoys me at times, I would never call him such evil names! 

One thing that both Chelsea and I have in common is our love for Whitney Houston, Vodka and black men! Handler will be releasing a new book this month, called Lies Chelsea Handler Told Me. Check it out! I sure will!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Song of the Week (May 16th to May 22nd)

Unlike last week, I was too lazy to post this article in advance or even in time for the due date! I'm sorry lol, I've been busy!

The song that I picked for this week is brand new and there's actually no clip that's been shot for the song's promotion yet. I love it and go to know it through the radio earlier this week. It's called "Peace or Violence" by Belgium's golden boy Stromae. The same singer who was responsible for the huge sensation hit "Alors on danse" last summer. I really love him and his music, he's original and very hype! Plus he's really cute! He makes me think of my ex; he's tall and lean with a lovely face and cute facial expressions lol! He said that he wrote this song thinking about the fact that people always show their indexes and their middle fingers, trying to mimic the "peace sign". As Stromae remarked that most people did that during his shows while dancing, he wondered if that really meant "peace" or if in the contrary, it could possibly signify a violence strike.

Anyways I'm posting a clip that he made explaining how he made the song with the whole song under.

I'm posting some pics of him below just to show you how cute he is and also to make some promotion for him in the English-speaking world.

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