This rumor has been circulating on the web since about six months now.
I guess anybody who reads about Fashion and gossip (lol!) pretty much knows who Naomi Campbell is and knows that she's a violent British supermodel famous for assaulting her assistants by throwing jewel-incrusted cellphones at them! Well turns out that not only is Naomi a striking Nubian beauty with long legs and an outstanding career in Fashion, she is also notorious for being sued each year by fellow assistants, flight attendants and just recently, by the UN-backed Special court for Sierra Leone investigating about Charles Taylor.
Guess what ladies and gentlemen, Naomi is a also the goddess of baldness; she wore wigs, weaves and extensions for such an extended period that her hair started to break off and not grow back, resulting in serious bald spots around her scalp. How sad?! Since I learned that news, I can't sleep at night and my world is completely messed up. How could God make something so sad happen to one of his most beloved and gorgeous daughters?!
Aside from modeling for magazines, jet-setting accross the world, dating a Russian millionnaire who's less balding than her, befriending other hot supermodels, throwing cell phones, giving apologies and interviews, developping perfume lines, rocking runways, giving money for charity (to make us forgive her), attend AA and Narcotics Anonymous meetings and partying with Paris Hilton, Naomi also lives on the same planet than us and happens to be living with a major issue: baldness. Most of us men willl, for those who haven't started yet, loose our hair and start feeling like helpless papis. One thing we might want to tell ourselves to stop being so desperate about it is that it's a normal thing and that it happens to more than 50% of men.
On the other hand, our female counterparts who have to live with this plague can't really rationalize the same way; their loss of hair is not due to androgenic alopecia. In other words, it is a thousand times more rare for a woman to start balding than a man and solely happens in very unfortunate cases. I mean these poor women must wear a weave or a wig permanently. That's truthfully heartbreaking. Imagine Naomi when she's about to have sex with her Russian beau; she has to make sure her hair is well tied to her head before the start canoodling in case her cold Borsch would like to pull after it when he comes! That's no joke and is certainly not funny at all! My friend K always tells me: "I can't believe the Russian dude wants to fuck a bald woman, he's so wealthy, he could find a woman just as hot as her and with hair"!!!
My black girlfriend told me that hair loss happens more often to black women than white women since they often wear tight braids, get their hair dyed, chemically-flattened, wear weaves and wigs. Receding hairline is frequently the result of such bad hair treatment and is non-reversible unless you get a hair transplant. So sad.
Remember I have told you about my obsession and great sadness associated with my hair loss and how Propecia and Rogaine were my very best friends?! I guess I also told you about my hair transplant last November right? Well turns out it worked and my head looks a lot more filled with hair and I don't look like a thirtysome papi anymore. I think Naomi should do the same, especially since she's got SO MUCH MORE MONEY than me lol!!!

Guess what ladies and gentlemen, Naomi is a also the goddess of baldness; she wore wigs, weaves and extensions for such an extended period that her hair started to break off and not grow back, resulting in serious bald spots around her scalp. How sad?! Since I learned that news, I can't sleep at night and my world is completely messed up. How could God make something so sad happen to one of his most beloved and gorgeous daughters?!
Aside from modeling for magazines, jet-setting accross the world, dating a Russian millionnaire who's less balding than her, befriending other hot supermodels, throwing cell phones, giving apologies and interviews, developping perfume lines, rocking runways, giving money for charity (to make us forgive her), attend AA and Narcotics Anonymous meetings and partying with Paris Hilton, Naomi also lives on the same planet than us and happens to be living with a major issue: baldness. Most of us men willl, for those who haven't started yet, loose our hair and start feeling like helpless papis. One thing we might want to tell ourselves to stop being so desperate about it is that it's a normal thing and that it happens to more than 50% of men.
On the other hand, our female counterparts who have to live with this plague can't really rationalize the same way; their loss of hair is not due to androgenic alopecia. In other words, it is a thousand times more rare for a woman to start balding than a man and solely happens in very unfortunate cases. I mean these poor women must wear a weave or a wig permanently. That's truthfully heartbreaking. Imagine Naomi when she's about to have sex with her Russian beau; she has to make sure her hair is well tied to her head before the start canoodling in case her cold Borsch would like to pull after it when he comes! That's no joke and is certainly not funny at all! My friend K always tells me: "I can't believe the Russian dude wants to fuck a bald woman, he's so wealthy, he could find a woman just as hot as her and with hair"!!!
My black girlfriend told me that hair loss happens more often to black women than white women since they often wear tight braids, get their hair dyed, chemically-flattened, wear weaves and wigs. Receding hairline is frequently the result of such bad hair treatment and is non-reversible unless you get a hair transplant. So sad.
Remember I have told you about my obsession and great sadness associated with my hair loss and how Propecia and Rogaine were my very best friends?! I guess I also told you about my hair transplant last November right? Well turns out it worked and my head looks a lot more filled with hair and I don't look like a thirtysome papi anymore. I think Naomi should do the same, especially since she's got SO MUCH MORE MONEY than me lol!!!