Thursday, April 7, 2011

Song of the Week (April 4th to April 10th)

Sorry to post this so late folks!!! The Big Dog is so busy these days! I mean it's the end of my semester and I'm loaded with group projects, final exams that are approaching, tiredness and grumpiness. Actually yesterday was the longest day of my life! I left home around 8:30 am and came back at around 11:00 pm lol! What a nightmare.

Anyways, I won't start complaining 'cause it will never end! I'm such a whiner! The song that I picked this week is brand new which is a rare thing among my choices for songs of the week. In fact, the song is just fresh out of the studio and the video was launched just two or three weeks ago. This week's winner is Katy Perry's latest single "E.T." which is a dark and futuristic song that talks about extraterrestrial love and mental illness. I find the song cool and stuff but I am not that much of a fan. Lol I have to admit that the purpose of my choice is to post an over-the-top video.

I have to say that the music clip is very Avatar reminiscent and I like the screenshots with albino model Shaun Ross. Katy Perry is also very good-looking in it even though she's digitally edited and doesn't really look like herself lol! Somehow I do have to point out the fact that Kanye West couldn't be more annoying in this video and that his participation to the song was totally unnecessary and that I'd be happy not to hear about him for a couple of years. I mean have you ever met anybody more full of himself than Kanye West?! I guess not.  

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