Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Advertising Campaign part 3

We wanted to explain and back our assumption that most advertising targeted at gay men depicted graphic photos and sexual imagery so we added some examples of other ads from other companies in our presentation! The ads are the following:

Aussie DNA Magazine

"Bottoms... and Tops" by American Apparel! lol

Fab Magazine
"Now's the Time" by Coors Light, nice ass by the way!

France-based Têtu Magazine

Out Magazine... Chocolate and Vanilla

Canadian gay store Priape's summer catalogue
To be relevant and consistent with our hypotheses, we needed to give further explanations regarding the nature of these ads and as to why we decided to use a similar concept for our own print ad. We went on with our justifications and also claimed and proposed that targeting the gay community would be a huge opportunity for Mitsubishi as not a lot of car companies have had the idea yet. Up till now, only Volvo, Subaru, land Rover and Hyundai have dared to try their shot within the gay community. We gave the examples of their ads and also had the idea that Mitsubishi could create a foundation to promote gay rights and selft esteem for LGBT people and offer them a shelter. The following print ads are all car ads targeted at Queers:

Volvo is "as excited as you"...

Expedia Travel Box

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