Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Formula 1 Weekend

This week's winner is a song that I've heard on the radio at around 2 am on friday, June 10th after I attended the "Mondial de la Bière de Montréal" (which is Montreal's Beer Fest). That day, I had roamed through Montreal's "Vieux Port", downtown and gay village with my friend Billa as he was visiting from Denmark and wanted to have some "sightseeing". What he actually meant by sightseeing didn't solely imply seeing all the landmarks with his eyes; it also involved manhunting in the streets of Montreal lol!

My friend Bill is one hell of an entertaining bastard and I love him for that but OMFG! I've never met anyone who talks as much as he does!  Everybody's been repeating to me since I was a lil' boy that I talk too much and that I never stop but trust me, I'm an amateur compared to him lol! He's pretty much the only person with whom I could spend a whole day and never utter one single word because I would never be given the chance to! No wonder he's been able to learn so many languages; he talks all the goddamn time! Bill is from Cameroon and speaks several dialects from his country including Pidgin and also French, English, Swedish and Danish (he lives in Denmark and has lived in Sweden too).

Anyways, back to my anecdote, last June 10th, Montreal was densely packed with tons and tons of tourists from around the world who had all gathered on the island to attend the annual Formula 1 race, the Beer Festival, the French Music one (FrancoFolies), the Rihanna concert and multiple other venues! I'm not even skimping when I'm sayin' the whole city was PACKED with people!!! I could hardly breathe lol. Surprisingly, I still managed to be lucky enough to find a very nice parking slot at the corner of St-Catherine and Crescent lol! Can you believe?! That was a feat!

As I was a bit tired of Bill and his bro' Romeo after dinner, I decided to do anything I could not to bring them with me to the Beer festival that I was supposed to attend with Merry and Cherryka. To be completely honest, as much as I do like Bill, I'm a bit ashamed of having slept with him as he's not super attractive and way over-the-top. He's just too much for me! So I didn't really want to present him to my new friends (Merry & Cherryka) as I was afraid of what they'd think of me. Sometimes one gets scared to be thought of as a whore for having slept with not-so-hot dudes! Damn that's bad! So I was smart enough to tell Bill's friend Romeo that I wasn't very comfortable to bring them along with me since my friends were all gay (huge lie) and that I didn't think they'd be at ease with them lol!!! Romeo was like damn brotha I completely undastand and respectcha so that's fine, enjoy yo nite! LOLLL I'm a funny liar! Just like the fact that I still haven't told my parents that I'm going to Israel (they believe I'm going to Turkey!) lol.

When I got to the Beer fest, Merry & Cherryka had been nice enough to buy me beer coupons so that I could start getting drunk right after entering the Place Bonaventure. Crap was there so much beer and people everywhere! It was out-of-this-world! The three of us had like eight uptakes which included red beer, brown beer, blond beer, white beer, green apple Sangria, Cranberry cider, Grapefruit cooler and white wine!!! Lol it was way too much for my lanky body! When we left (at 10 pm), I was way too tipsy or drunk I don't know which one. A few minutes before the fest finished (it finished early not to be a nuisance to the business activities of other bars in the surroundings), we met my friend Arial whom I know from University and was waitressing during the fest. She offered us some free beer which was -let's be honest- the top of the icing that led me to loose my mind lol!

She said she was super nervous because she was working, was drunk and was crazy about her new flame who was mulatto and measured 6'5". She said he was her perfect match 'cause she's tall and he's tall too and that he was supposedly sexy. Merry, Cherryka and I were all ecstatic and excited to drink some more beer and meet the much talked about dude until we looked around and saw a 6'5" mulatto guy with a loose body, an MIA jaw and pepperoni-shaped nipples! OMG we were stunned to realize that he was indeed her new flame and that he wasn't sexy or wetting at all lolll!!! We all laughed and gossiped about him until he left and she asked us what we thought about him. Our lovely trio responded by jeez! He's got pepperonis!

Arial didn't find it funny at all and said she liked him and that he was fit for her and that she didn't know what to text him as she wanted to try her luck. We then headed to the closest McDonald's, not without limping everywhere and acting clumsy. When we got to the McDough, I made a real pig of myself and ordered a double Big Mac trio with a poutine instead of the fries and a McFlurry. We then talked and talked for hours gossipping about everything and that was what I can call good times! I like lying down at a table with friends, stuffing my face, gossip about guys (and girls lol), talk about sex and burp lol!

We then drove back to the South shore at 2 am  while listening to the radio and that's when we heard this week's winner song which you'll discover in my next article.

Oh and I didn't attend F1 nor the FrancoFolies yet, but my father attended F1 and it poured grasshoppers lol! I think I'm more interested to see the Jean-Paul Gaultier exposition and the Chinese army!

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