Thursday, November 10, 2011

B-Day Celebration

Okay so last October 29th was my B-Day and I got to celebrate with my closest friends which was more than awesome! I even got a call from Norway; my friend Nizza called me to wish me "Happy Birthday". I couldn't even believe it! I'm still so thankful to her to have called me!

As you will be able to read about it soon, I pAArtied real hard on the saturday of my birthday since my friend Larah had organized an open-house party at her place as her parents were gone to Lebanon. That night, I didn't take off from my job even though I really didn't feel like working but since my boss had told us to dress up for Halloween, I thought it would be funny to get to work there disguised.

But enough about that already as I want to write about it in my next post! Anyways, that's how on sunday, october 30th, my friends were invited to have dinner with me at a brand new Asian restaurant called "Mongolian Hot Pot" on the Taschereau strip. I had never eaten there but my friends K and Jizz had told me it was yummy. That's how I got the idea to book a dinner there as I knew it wasn't jam-packed on sundays and that it would be both healthy and cheap.

I was more than thrilled to know that they had reserved the "VIP room" for us as I didn't even know they had one lol. The dinnner was amazing (spicy Mongolian fondue with fresh fish, shrimps, Mongolian vegetables, nuts, clams, beef, pork, chicken and mussels) and we even got to have an unscheduled surprise; Terrine's new bf made a first apparition (and impression) as nobody had met him yet. His name is Ayman and he's from Tunisia (he's a Muslim). I had never met him before but he still bothered to pass by and bring me a chocolate birthday cake with "happy birthday Rodzilla" iced on it. We all couldn't believe it!

I have to say that this made me feel a bit awkward and uncomfortable as I think it was a bit too much but I guess he wanted to show off a bit as well! What is a bit strange is that he didn't even stay there to eat with us; he just left after lodging the cake near our table! I was still über hungover that day and could barely stand up! I had to focus with all my energy to behave properly at my own b-day dinner lol! The day after (monday), I was still deceased from my abuse of alcohol and ecstacy (oops!) so I felt really sick during two or three whole dayz! 

As my dad HATES Halloween and the whole trick or treat thing going on during that morbid evening, he resigned to leave the house to avoid having to answer the door and hearing the bell ring each two minutes! That's how he decided he'd bring the family possee to the restaurant for my birthday (once again) lol! We went to another italian restaurant which is quite similar to the one where I work. It's also on the Taschereau strip lol (everything's there)! That particular restaurant is the one where Jizz and our friend Pol work. Pol was our waiter for the night as I had requested and I obliged my dad to leave him a good tip! I was still so hungover and dead from my abusive weekend that I had experienced stomachaches and fatigue all day. I took a plate of veal Parmigiana and couldn't even finish it! Can you believe?! That would never happen on a normal day; I had to be friggin' sick to not eat it all!!!

I turned 22 this year and I'm starting to feel old... Well maybe not old but I feel like I'm aging if you know what I mean?! Like each year is pulling me afar from the beginning of my 20th decade which means that I'll eventually hit the mid20s and then the 30s...!!! OMFG I don't like to think about that! The only consolation I have about that is the following: botox and cosmetic surgery! I mean age is just a number but wrinkles and hair can be counted and might increase for the former and decrease for the latter and this, for each year of our goddamn lives! Okay okay, I should stop thinking about that and bring myself back to a more optimistic reality by telling you what my beloved friends gave me as presents for my B-Day:

  • The book "Celine Dion for Keeps" (She's Quebec's national icon and an int'l diva so of course, I LOVE her! Thank you K!!!)
  • The book "Lies That Chelsea Handler Told Me" by Chelsea Handler (I think I already told you how much I find this woman completely hilarious and tripped. Thank you K ;-))
  • The book "Pulp Friction" by Michael Bronski which is about the Golden Age of Gay Literature in the US (thanks to Fabulous Andy :P).
  • A subscription to Geo Magazine which is a magazine about traveling, tourism, foreign countries and their culture (I love me some of all that, as you probably already know. Thanks to Terrine, Fabulous Andy and St-Lawrence).
  • An egg... Okay not any kind of egg; one that is in fact a sex toy that you get to put on your penis to... well stimulate it if unowalamine lol! (Thanks to Merry, Cherryka, Jizz and T).
  • An erotic playing game (similar to Snakes and Ladders. Thanks to Merry, Cherryka, Jizz and T).
  • A brand new leather bag that my Mom & Pop gave me for my B-Day! It's a genuine one that should normally last for ever and accompany me through my craziness and debauchery.
  • A few pesos from Mom und Pop to help me save enough to travel again anytime soon!

--> Special thanks to everybody I know that bring (or brought) me joy, happiness, true friendship, love, compassion, humour, sex (lol), travels, knowledge, understanding, a shoulder to cry on, a mouth to kiss, a booty to hump... okay I'm leading to another kind of special thanks here, I should stop. The main message is Rodzilla loves you and appreciates what you do to/for him! Beaucoup d'amour et de bonheur! ;-)

---> BTW: I didn't list my presents to show off on my blog, I just wanted to let y'all readers what kind of good taste and ideas my friend have had for my birthday! My goal was not to whore out!

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