Okay last week I had the worst date ever possible. Lemme explain myself. Two years ago, back when I was still at Cégep and had a lot of spare time, I used to go out at Cabaret Mado quite often as there’s a good show, the booze doesn’t cost too much, all my friends like that place plus you get to fire burn it on the dancefloor after the show is done. As I mentioned it in my article called “Drag Behavior”, I dated one of the drag Queens from that cabaret two years ago.
What I may have omitted to mention in that article (or didn’t?!) is that at the party that I attended at that drag Queen’s mansion was a flamboyant boy who was chasing me all night. That twink, whose name I won’t name, is pretty active in the village and can be seen pretty much anywhere, anytime as he’s a cunt extraordinaire who likes to flaunt his over-the-top hairdo and bitchy face to anybody who dares cross his path.

It didn’t take two minutes until Twinky Twinky was hitting The Big Dog (me)’s chat window and attacking it with demands for a full frontal nude pic of me. I was like “hell dude if you wanna see me naked, invite me to yo place and don’t beg me to go grab my camera at the depth of my closet, take my clothes off, try to take a good shot, load it on my computer and send it to you over email”! I mean we might be in the era of the web 2.0, it doesn’t mean EVERYTHING has to be done over the web; a good ol’ booty call nevah hurt no one. That’s when he said “my boyfriend’s busy for the next week and I’ve been thinking of you for the last two years”. You must be thinking that knowing that that fucker had a boyfriend would have repulsed me and restrained me to go to his place, well disabuse yourself: it didn’t. I was way too horny to let an opportunity like that go with the flow.
That’s how I disrespected my own rules and went to his place to “watch a movie”. I first stepped inside his quite-fabulous-appartement-for-a-shitty-pit-in-Hochelaga and thought to myself that that was gonna be a bumpy ride. He was quite snobby and weird and invited me inside his bedroom to choose which flick we’d watch. I had seen pretty much all of the films he had and I don’t mean by that that they were all great; Rodzilla has seen him a few bad movies over the last few years. I was so disappointed by his selection that I resolved to watch the sequel to Another Gay Movie: “Gays Gone Wild”! Yeah, the same movie that I watched with Mik and that made me turn into a nasty rapist.
We watched that movie together and I had never felt less comfortable than how I felt at that moment. Twinky Twinky was half-laughing of all the jokes they told in the movies and had a weird snobbish bitchy grin on his face the whole time. It almost felt as if he didn’t want to hook up anymore. I couldn’t have been more pissed as I didn’t really wanna talk to him nor see his apartment; let’s face it, I only wanted to do the “Big A”.
After more than an hour of beating around the bush, I took the decision to get what I wanted. I acted a bit naive and said I wanted to inspect his boxers, I then obliged him to undress and to reveal his German sausage and his fresh-off-the-oven-buns. He still acted constipated and snob but Rodzilla was determined to get some. That’s when he said “maybe you could show me what you got as well”. I said well just ask for it directly and I’ll do it. That’s when I took all my clothes off. He then started touching me with a totally awkward thrust and didn’t even look excited nor horny.
I had the brilliant idea to stop faking to watch the movie and take it to curb; in his bed. As we were making out, I got naughtier each second and asked him if he’d be willing to get into position for “69”. He said that he wasn’t such a fan of the 69 position with a very annoying tone that made me cringe. I gently asked why and he bitchily responded that there were certain things that he’d reserve for his boyfriend. I guessed by that that he wanted to make himself feel like a respectful yet faithful boyfriend but I couldn’t have felt more turned off at that very moment. I mean c’mon dude, you’re already naked in your bed with another man and you’ll start telling me you’re faithful simply because you won’t do certain stuff with other men?! Huh, your shit is really fucked up! Face the facts: you’re an unfaithful whore, period.
I was completely turned off but decisively craved to cum (lol) so I still managed to remain seated (or lying) in his bed until it happened. Right after that, I put my clothes back on and sat still. He looked bored and tired. I said “you look tired”. He said that my statement was correct and that he didn’t want to ask to leave but that he wanted to go to bed and that I wasn’t welcome to sleep over as his mom was scheduled to pop in in the morning because she wanted him to do her hair (he’s a hairdresser). As pissed and badly sexed as I was, I purposefully left his apartment with a semi-farewell last kiss and headed straight to my car. That night was NOT to be remembered! Of course I did write it down here in the open but it was only to empty my thoughts on the matter and vent them! Perhaps it is my mission in this life of mine to entertain people with my misfortune by writing about it... who knows?!