As most people living in Quebec already know, a 15 year-old girl named Marjorie Raymond committed suicide two weeks ago because she was being bullied at school and outside of it on a daily basis and this, even during the weekend.. I know it's been two weeks and I haven't talked about it well I just didn't have time but I wish to make up for it with this article.
I couldn't explain how saddened I was to hear that story as I know how it hurts to be bullied and how miserable you feel deep inside. It seems like in her case, she had been bullied by a group of girls for the last three years. She feared and hated school so much due to that suffering that she failed to complete her second year of High School.
Marjorie lived with her mother and younger sister in Sainte-Anne-des-Monts in Gaspésie, Quebec. She had been raised in Granby, QC until her family decided to move to that remote area in Northeast Quebec.

Her mother also claimed that the other girls were kind of jealous of her as she was good-looking, sociable and had previously had academic success. The mother deplored that the school's direction even went on to tell her that it was her fault if she was good-looking!
This story made the headlines in Quebec since the last two weeks and everybody's been talking about it. I think most people are shocked and extremely saddened to realize that bullying can be so intense and destructive that it can lead to someone's death. Marjorie was young, beautiful, talented and kind, I can't believe her life is now over. She must have thought that there was no future held for her and that she would never live a normal life.
For all of you who have been bullied or are being bullied on a regular basis, I have a message for you: do not begin to believe that you really are all those demeaning and rude words that people tell you; you're better than that. In fact, your assailants must not know you and are probably picking up on you simply to boost their own egos and look cool. Constantly remind yourself that they don't know shit about you and that a bright and promising future awaits you after High School is over.

I hated High School from A to Z: I went to a snobby private High School where most of the students' parents were doctors or lawyers and lived in the wealthiest neighbourhoods on the South shore. I felt awkward and different (especially because of my sexual orientation) but knew that I would eventually graduate from that shitty school, move on with my life and become the person I want to become, that is, not conform to all of them other phonies' parents' expectations.
That being said, Marjorie will never be forgotten by the people of Quebec and I think her case will be studied as an example of brutal and intrusive bullying that led to her death. Rest in peace Marjorie and may you find that so-called inner well-being within yourself that you haven't been able to find on this earth. Amen.