Thursday, May 5, 2011

Nicole's Hot New Vid

I think I had told you about my new love for Nicole Scherzinger, who's an ex member of the famous group The Pussies (Pussycat Dolls). Well turns out Miss Scherzinger decided to part her ways and go solo and it actually seems to work out. She might not have become the new Beyoncé but she still manages to have plenty of fans. Her first UK single "Don't Hold Your Breath" was incredibly gut.

For this new song "Right There", Nicole teamed with Queens rapper 50 Cent who raps and scraps the song. I actually find the song better with him because otherwise it's way too repetitive. The clip is also quite hot with the Los Angeles street view, the modern Pocahontas-inspired outfits and the Jamaican dance moves. Scherzinger is definitely one hell of a hot Hawaiian goddess.

My interest for Scherzinger has always been there but it has fairly increased since I met my new gay buddy Mike who's probably her number one fan! He's crazy about her and bought her album even before it was released and this, in the UK so they had to ship it to him after its official release date! He also went clubbing to famed Montreal nightclub La Mouche last summer because he had eavesdropped about her going there to be the Disc Jockey. As he recalls, he was so drunk and excited to meet her that he didn't care about her bodyguards and still managed to approach her, took a picture and asked for an autograph lolz!!! This is the kind of story that makes me laugh so much! I guess I might do the same with Mariah!

Anyways, enjoy the vid!

P.S.: I'm making a little bit of publicity for her as Mike and I both agreed that her marketing team sucked and that she needed more exposure and publicity!

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