Hey y'all! Hope you'll be reading this post from a Southern haven or country since I'm currently in bloody Montreal where the snow keeps creating traffic jams everywhere! As the American Midwest has been submerged with snow, Québec's got its slice of the pie. Last tuesday there was so much snow it was just incredible. The streets were replete of snow and since I'm driving an automatic Yaris by Toyota, lemme tell ya mein Auto isn't really equipped to cross big banks of snow! I've been stuck in the snow too many times that I couldn't drive more safely! I'm so scared of skidding out on the Highway!
Even public buses struggle through the snow! |
Don't expect to hit the Drug store 10 minutes before it closes; it'll take even more time just to clear your car! |

Even though we're all trying hard to stay fashionable all the time, it's pretty much impossible to be looking mighty fine when entering the school as your pants are full of calcium, you've got dirty boots, red skin, greasy hair, sunken eyes and you're all sweaty from taking the overly-packed subway!!! Winter is not fashionable, I'm sorry! I know it's Montreal's Fashion Week next week but I'm not feeling anywhere close to a fashionista today lol! Montrealers always feel like celebrating and partying even if we have the harshest climate lol! That's why since 2007, we have the annual "Igloofest" held in Montréal's "Vieux port" (old port of Montreal). I wanted to attend it this year but didn't make it! It was held during the last two weeks. International DJs and musicians are invited to perform during the Igloofest which becomes a sort of cold outdoor fiesta! How cool?!