Lolz I've been through a lot of shit in my life but I've never read shitty news like that! Can you believe someone was crazy enough to make a perfume out of his own poop?! You read correctly, dear reader, London-based artist Jammie Nicholas came up with the relatively audacious idea to create a perfume containing extracts from his own crap!

Apparently, Nicholas was inspired by a book called "The History of Shit" written by the French writer Dominique Laporte. The book in question focuses on faeces and its social and theoretical influence and the role that it sometimes gets as a material in cosmetics. Pleasant smells were used to cover bad smells (duh, this one is a no-brainer) so it could supposedly be brillant to come up with such an idea that bad smells could cover pleasant smells! LOL this guy is an original! Who else could've thought of that one? You really gotta be Einstein to be able to come up with something like that right?! Hell to tha no!
Can you believe his perfume is actually being sold at 80 bucks?! That's right, $80 for a bottle filled with crap-infected perfume. Jammie Nicholas has reportedly produced 85 bottles of the perfume and has already sold 25 of'em! It's already miraculous that someone would be willing to pay such a high price for something like that! I gotta admit that if it were 5 dollars, I'd be willing to buy three bottles just to have a hell of a laugh lol!!! But 80 bucks? U gotta be outta yo goddamn mind! I have one word to express my feelings when I read that news: SHIT!