Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Psychiatry part 1

Trust me, I now have a lot to say about the latter since I spent my whole week last week visiting my best friend Terrine at the Psychiatric section of the hospital where she's hospitalized (because of depression and exhaustion). And tain't no lil' thang y'all! There are in fact a lot of über-fucked up people who are interned there! Some of them are psychotic, some others are schizophrenic... you get the picture. What's even weirder is that the first time I went to see her, I was a bit lost in the hospital so I was thriving everywhere to find her pavillon and then as I was exiting the elevator to get to the section where he room was, I bumped into an old friend of mine whom I befriended during my High School days. My reaction was a bit awkward since I didn't expect to meet anyone that I know so when he asked me who I was visiting (he knew that I was visiting 'cause I had a whole bag full of presents and a big flower bouquet in my hands lol) I said Terrine and then I gently returned the question to him to get to know who his parents and him were visiting (he was accompanied by his parents).

That's when it hit me: he wasn't actually visiting someone, his parents were visiting him because, as said his mom: "he didn't feel really good last week"... I didn't really know what to think of that and felt a bit ill-at-ease requesting for an explanation so I didn't! That's when the elevator's doors closed so I just had the time to wave goodbye and proceeded into Terrine's section and went directly into her room. Suprisingly, her room wasn't all goofy or even nearly as ugly as I would have thought it to be (lol)! Because for me, hospitals are creepy and viruses and bacterias-infected and I hate going there because I don't like the morbid vibe that emanates from these health care centers! Logically, I feel like if you're healthy, you shouldn't have to go there, that is unless you're only passing a test or something. But of course, one shouldn't judge too quickly since you can have to go there for various reasons (like an operation; I'm having one on friday... not so eager!). 

Okay so I need to give you more details and hints about this kind of place. So as I said, Terrine's room was a light blue, well-lit peace haven sitting by a nice window with cute little white curtains framing it. She was also gifted with a very sweet 45 year-old room-mate whose name was Johanne. Johanne was something lemme tell ya! First, she didn't really look like 45, more like 33, she had a lot of hair (it made her look like a diva), she had huge boobs, an ass like J. Lo's, a smoker's voice and an overly sexual, over-the-top persona! I loved me some of her lol! The first day Terrine was hospitalized along with her, Johanne told her that she was really bored during the first weeks internment and that she missed men...! She told her that ever since she discovered the place's nice showers, she couldn't let go of her body and was always eager to be the first patient to shower...!!! Lol she was über-funny! Terrine was so depressed, she didn't even get it the first time she talked to her about it but after three or four times... she got the picture!

Oh and Johanne was always telling Terrine that she was lucky! She'd be like "oh so you're a student at University, do your parents pay for your tuition fees?" and Terrine would reply "yes they do" and Johanne would go "chanceuse!" (which means lucky you!). She'd then say "you have gorgeous redish lips, did you put some gloss on them?" and Terrine would say "no" so Johanne would go gaga and say: "oh so your lips are naturally a little red? Chanceuse!". She'd also tell Terrine "oh you have so many flowers and chocolates, chanceuse!". Terrine also recounted a time when they were both watching a Disney movie, I think it was Nemo and then two of the main characters (which were animals lol) fell in love and kissed each other which led Johanne saying: "oh look at them, they fall in love instantly like that, CHANCEUX!" (plural form of lucky you) lol!!! Oh and the last day she was there, she had gotten the news that she would leave during the evening so she was all ecstatic but slightly sad at the same time since she was leaving Terrine alone. So while K (my fabulous Chinese Freundin), Terrine and I were chatting on Terrine's bed, Johanne handed us a picture of her, which was in fact a joker playing card featuring a photo of a scantily clad young Johanne with a lion's mane of bleached hair and her joyful boobies. She then stated that she was very hot'N sexy when she was younger and that she had been out with wealthy men who had brought her to marvelous trips around the States, Caribbean and Europe!

Expedia Travel Box

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