Friday, March 11, 2011

Song of the Week (March 7th to March 13th)

This week's song isn't fresh from the month but is really good and is only starting to be popular here in North America since the joint is from Swedish DJ Tim Berg (I love them Swedes!). It's called "Seek Bromance" and is the lyrical version of its predecessor "Bromance". I just love it! The two guys in the video are really cute and the blond one makes me think of one of my latest crushes lol! The dude is half-French Canadian and half-Danish and he's hella hot. My black sista and I have nicknamed him "Muffin" since he's sweet and edible lol!

After considering this song as song of the week, I then proceeded to do my own little research about the artist who produced the song and also about the content and main subject of the song: Bromance. Before reading about it on Wikipedia (lol!), I didn't know anything about bromance and didn't even know it was a real term; I thought it had been coined only for the purpose of the song! I've been so stunned by how amazing this type of relationship is that I will make it the subject of my next article! Enjoy the song:

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