Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Are We Sluts?

The main subject of my questioning since the last few months.

I think I’m the kind of person who always reminisces about everything he does; especially when it comes to sex. Accordingly, I’m so horny that sometimes I’d be willing to give up on anyone having minimal junk in the trunk. I’m a man, you gotta excuse my manners but when the testosterone bursts, there’s nothing I can do to help it; I gotta live my bestiality with another beast.
When I feel like having sex, I usually take the train #1 which consists of one night-stands. I know this sounds very unclassy and even plain pathetic but for me, sex partners are like Kleenexes; you’d use’em just to wipe away your stickiest shortcomings. I guess I’m totally not old-fashioned and prefer not having to wake up with the rat bastard the day after or the day after after. Fabulous Andy (one of my friends with whom I’ve traveled most), Terrine and I have all had one night-stands but I think Fabulous Andy and I are the worst, let’s just say we’re more fabulous.
I can’t say that I regret sleeping with strangers but there are times when I keep asking myself the same question than Carrie from Sex and The City : Are We Sluts? Some people would say yes, some others would say no, but one thing is for sure: you can call me ho! Haha, let’s not have any shame here! It’s our blog, it’s meant to be hot ‘N humid just like the Caribbean haven both of my female colleagues have down south.
Being a real whore would imply charging your partners for your services which we don’t. Therefore, I think this might be an acknowledgeable sign that we are not prostitutes. I made the countdown and officially slept with 8 men (I’m 21), Fabulous Andy did the same and I think it was 16 (twice my worryness) and as for Terrine, it was something like 4 or 5, how disappointing? We can all agree by the numbers that Terrine is the most boring and needs to get some piece of ass more often!
I think I’ll have to go for now, I’m way too busy searching for meat, studying, working and trying to get some sleep once in a while! But I think I’ll sum it up saying we might be whores but I don’t think there’s anything bad about it, Dankjewel!

Expedia Travel Box

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