Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Year's Eve With Mariah (and Jizz 'N Terrine :-P)

As we're in 2011 since 19 days only, it hasn't been a while since we all celebrated New Year's Eve.

Unlike the last few years, I had a blast this time. It was really nice and fun celebrating New Year with Terrine and a bunch of other friends of our beloved colleague from Pizza Hut whom I like to call Jizz lol. What is also really nice is that I got to meet all of her friends (which both Terrine and I hadn't met before) which happened to also be friends with Mahmud; the sexy baklava who lives on my street. Plus we got to celebrate with Jizz's boyfriend which is an ex-employee from Pasta Hut. I really pulled a Terrine on this one since I did some "networking" with Mahmud's friends to make sure they'd all love me and tell good stuff about me when talking to him. I think she was proud of me lol!

Oh and I shall not forget to tell you that Mahmud was supposed to be invited and as I've told you in my "End-of-the-Street Dude" article, I was DYING to finally meet him and have a chat with him!!! Now that it is done, I feel like it was better off without him since I think we both would've been stressed and awkward if we had met at the party since there was plenty of straight guys who know Mahmud since a long time but have no clue about his sexuality. As for myself, I have no issue about divulging my homosexuality but I've heard that it was more complicated for Mahmud. I guess being Lebanese and surrounded by traditional Muslim people makes it a little more difficult.

Everbody drank and shit-chatted about anything and had a great time. But I have to admit, the best thing about that night so far is the fact that a Holiday clip from a pregnant Mariah Carey was aired on tv as midnight approached. It was such as cheesy yet perfect moment lol! The clip which featured famed Scottish poem "Auld Lang Syne" is worse than terrible. It looks cheap and homemade and the fact that Mariah tries to dance while playing with her hair makes it look even dumber lol! But hey, I love it even though! Here it comes:

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