Friday, January 28, 2011

Død Snø & Zombie Movies

This movie is just ridiculously dumb lol!! I watched it with a couple of friends during the Christmas break and found it so silly! But it's worth to see since it's probably the only Norwegian Zombie movie available here in North America! The story evolves around a group of friends who went to the back country in a cabin during the winter seeking to ski and have sex (quite like Friday 13th but during the winter, in Norway). They soon discover that Nazi zombies inhabit the area, that they're trapped and will all die. The plot is not super gut (nor are the actors) but the movie is quite original and sympathetic. Here's the English trailer:

The movie is so bad that even my Norwegian friend Nizza (I met her in Nice, France) ;-) told me she couldn't watch it till the end lol! It is very violent and overly exploitative of fake blood but I still think it can be entertaining lol! I'm a big fan of camp movies and Zombie movies! My favourite Zombie movies include porn star Jenna Jameson' "Zombie Strippers", Robert Rodriguez's "Planet Terror", the savvy "Trailer Park of Terror", the unbelievably funny "From Dusk Till Dawn":

--> Jenna Jameson's "Zombie Strippers":

--> Robert Rodriguez's (my father) "Planet Terror":

--> "Trailer Park of Terror":

--> Tarantino's "From Dusk Till Dawn":

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