So my goal with this article is to demonstrate to you how cheesy I am.
As you might have noticed, I’m a big fan of Mariah Carey and as you probably know, she’s the cheesiest human being to have ever walked on this earth. That’s when I come along; because I’m very close to my cheesy side and am humble enough to acknowledge my taste for the tacky. I have bad taste when it comes to movies, clothes, restaurants and clubs and I might even add my friends but they would be well too offended! I like things that stand out, that scream which imply that it might be in a negative and loud, foolish way. That being said, it could all be due to the fact that I’m extravagant and don’t like gnarly, meaningless people trying to accommodate their personalities to fit into society’s pre-manufactured moulds.
The same applies for when I’m dating. I don’t like insignificant bastards who have nothing to say and brag about everything they do as if it were impressing. Even when you have incurred impressing achievements, you don’t need to point it out in an arrogant way that makes you seem narcissistic. Nobody likes that, especially me plus the only people who like to date douchebags like that must be deprived from self-esteem. I do have to concede that I have dated obnoxious morons in the past (or had one night-stands with them) but I am now looking forward to a new chapter in my life : a sweet’N cheesy, old-fashioned RELATIONSHIP. Yes, you read correctly. I am not truly like Samantha from “Sex und die Stadt”; I do want to be committed into a respectful yet meaningful relationship. I have a craving to fall in love again! Because it’s true; even though openly claiming that you want to devote yourself into a serious relationship sounds cliché, I am being honest plus I want to specify that I want to be in a relationship that relies on love, passion and respect, not whoring out nor attention and affection-filling. I’m all about tough and truthful love so I would never commit to a guy that I don’t love or don’t feel anything for. He needs to give me butterflies if he wants me to yield myself to him.
That’s why for my next relationship, I want it to be picture-perfect; filled with rainbows, butterflies, unicorns, charmbracelets and GLITTER! It ought to be like a Mariah Carey album; full of honey, cheesy delusions and melodious sounds. I want it to bring me low like basso profundo and then sky-high like coloratura soprano. I’m no longer superficial looking for the guy with the edgiest features, perfect body, bone structure and flawless complexion. Nor am I looking for the dude that is most likely to become famous, rich or admired by everyone. I want a man’s man that’ll be my man. And I want to be his man’s man. D’ya understand?!
While waking up alongside Terrine this morning (we’ve had a terrible night of drinking and stuff and went to bed at 7 am), we chatted about relationships and shit and she said she believes she’ll never be able to be faithful to her boyfriend. Even though I have been promiscuous and volatile in the past, I seek that no more. And I know I could be faithful if I were deeply in love. I’d be willing to make sacrifices and give it my all. While philosophising on the latter, I realized that not only do I want a boyfriend; I also want a close friend. By that I mean I’d like my hubby to do justice to both meanings of the initials b.f.: boyfriend and best friend. I’d like each other to confide and confess to the other and be at ease. I want a guy who has a sense of humour and is humble yet who knows his own worth, has ambitions, strive to succeed and reach for new goals. Most important of all, he needs to be willing to commit himself to me too since it has to come both ways.
After all the experience and tremendous adventures that I’ve had, I have learned and understood so much about relationship and thus, myself since I am the main protagonist of my stories. I have come to accept myself the way I am, know my defects, my weaknesses and my strength. I think the most relevant thing to accomplish before daydreaming about a relationship is to learn how to love your own self since you are your own life companion, from birth to death. Like RuPaul would say: “if you can’t love yourself, how the hell are you gon’ love somebody else?” Can I get an Amen on that?