Thursday, January 20, 2011

Musical Discoveries

If you go ask any of my friends or relatives or even just one of my new Undergrad buddies, they'll all tell you that the music I listen to sucks. But as I don't give a rat's ass about what people think of my MP3's music library, I continue to listen to the same ol' thangs. I have to say I'm pretty cheesy and love to listen to '90s bad gangsta rap, Divas' music (like Mariah Carey, Twittney and C'Lyn of course), Electronica, Candy Pop, Jazz (on Saturday nights; I don't even have the choice, my dad obliges us to listen to Diana Krall and Norah Jones all the time) or even Christmas anthems. I have to admit it: I don't listen to a lot of Rock even though it can be good. I like to dance so I need something groovy and horny. Girlicious suits me lol!
Anyways, enough blabla, I will now introduce you to my new DaDa: Natalie Portman's Shaved Head. And no, I'm not talking about her actual shaved head, but about the Seattle-based Indie Rock band which I discovered during my last trip to Seattle last March. I was sad to hear that they changed their band name though. It's now called "Brite Futures", how boring? They've probably got sued by Natalie Portman herself! Their music is ecstatic; it's raunchy, offers a wide variety of sexual innuendos, is danceable and is uptempo. Their vocals are great and everybody who knows them will tell you they're awesome in concert. So here are some of their songs, including my favourite "Bedroom Costume". Remember that joint since it relates to my article about the steamy "Baklava" living on my street: "End-of-the-Street Dude" (self publicity).

The song that substantiates this fixation that we have us men regarding our beards and our hairy shortcomings, "Beard Lust":

The very catchy "Hush Hush":

The "No Doubt" reminiscent, "Holding Hands in the Shower":

Expedia Travel Box

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