Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What Happens South of the St-Lawrence River...

            Okay so this article is mainly about my last blog’s lovely trio’s delirious nights south of town...!!! I am posting this a bit late because guess what?! I’ve been busy mit Universität!
            So as I was incredibly horny last Saturday, I invited Fabulous Andy, Terrine and I and one of my new University Jock buddies, St-Laurent. We intended to have a great time with more outgoing and out-o’their-crazy-minds shiznits than the previous weekend where I had attempted to make a house party. As I was supposed to stay home afterwards (I was sleeping at home with Terrine), I decided I could drink as much as possible to celebrate my last free night before my parents’ homecoming the day after.
            I started out pretty wildly; mixing bloody Caesar, white wine, rhum, vodka and some other shiz. With my burning desire to heat things up, I had the very bright idea to play some sort of truth or dare (without truth) with some sex shop-designed dices. We were also playing with a bottle!!! HAHAH how childish of us! Anyways, the thing is, when you’re too shy to make a move, you can always start playing with an empty bottle. It turned out we all made sexual things to one another. My new hunky friend St-Laurent, who had, at that particular time, a girlfriend, seemed to be wanting to broaden his horizons. As I knew both Terrine and Fabulous Andy desperately needed a piece of ass, I tried my best to hook’em up altogether.
            What’s funny is that what I had been wishing to do finally came true but I didn’t really like the feeling afterward. Can you believe Terrine, Fabulous Andy & St-Laurent locked themselves in my bathroom to get laid?! I felt really Ensom (Danish for lonely) and had a very big hangover. I then proceeded to get some sleep in my younger brother’s bed (who was asleep) and woke him up during the process. He woke up and asked me some very obnoxious questions which I can’t even remember. He then woke me up after my mending 5-minute sleep and I got so pissed off that I took the closest pen and penetrated the bathroom’s door with it. I started yelling at my fellow shiggaz which were scantily clad and about to shed more clothes. I told them they had traumatized my brother (which wasn’t true at all since he’s the one pulling the weirdest shiz all the time). 
The night ended up in confusion and a missed sex opportunity for St-Laurent. As for Terrine and I, we had the worst sleep of our lives and I think I was still drunk 26 hours later when I picked my parents up at the airport.

South of the St-Lawrence river...

Expedia Travel Box

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